Because we are committed to improving the oral healthcare knowledge of our patients, we are providing the following selection of dental videos which we hope you will find interesting and informative.  We have grouped the videos into various categories to provide quick access to the topics of greatest interest to you.
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.

Teeth Cleaning

Visit us at Download the iOS app here: If you are like most people, you dread going to the dentist! Regular dental prophylaxis, which is the medical term for a professional teeth cleaning, is required to maintain long-term dental health. In fact, good oral hygiene can not only help prevent gum disease and tooth decay, but may also protect against heart attack and stroke, not to mention being a key factor in avoiding halitosis, known as bad breath. In this interactive procedure, you will use a periodontal probe to assess the patient's gum health and remove plaque and tarter with a scaler. Then you will use a prophylaxis paste to polish his teeth, rinse them with the air/water syringe, and then suction the water out of his mouth. Last, but not least, you will floss the patient's teeth and review helpful tips for promoting dental health. Our patient is waiting, so let's get started!

Composite Dental Filling

Visit us at Most people hate going to the dentist! Unfortunately, most of us at some time or another will have a cavity that needs to be filled. Dental fillings are the most common type of dental procedure that is used to help to reduce the bacteria in the mouth, extend the life of the tooth, and hopefully avoid the need for more serious dental work. During this interactive dental filling procedure, you will remove the decay around the cavity with the dental drill and choose the type of filling (amalgam or composite) that our patient will receive. During recovery, your patient will likely experience some sensitivity, but with the proper care, this will go away, and subsequent decay and pain can be avoided. Put on your gloves and grab your drill!